We are a 501(c)3 organization!
Using ENTERTAINMENT, We Assist Local Communities In Providing Critical Information & Help To Individuals, While Helping Businesses & Local Communities Flourish! We Accomplish Most Of This By Featuring National & Local Organizations In Our Events!
Mission Statement
Using multiple types and genres of entertainment, (music, comedy, dance, theatrical productions, art, etc.), we join with and establish events and venues in local communities across the USA and other countries as requested/provided. The mission focuses on using entertainment to draw out of isolation those who need help in each community in addition to the rest of the those living in the community. The entertainment must be encouraging, challenging, fun, and uplifting in order to help those who might be struggling with life. Anything detrimental to the health and well-being of the community will not be allowed in these events.
In each venue, we will reach out to the local community in an atmosphere of fun and safety in order to get to know and to help one another. We want to bring out of isolation those who may be struggling with mental health issues and perhaps contemplating suicide. Isolation is their worst enemy! By getting folks together, perhaps we will find that we have things in common and might be able to help each other pursue our Life and/or God-given Dreams. At the very least, we can have fun, encourage one another and offer hope to those who are hopeless and about to give up and check out of life. The main theme is to have fun and to help each other go for our dreams. Everyone matters! Everyone counts! AND the community wins as a whole! When a person is focused on their dream, depression takes a back seat, it’s behind them, 180°. Crime drops too, when folks are doing what they were created to do!
While our main goal is to target suicide and assist with mental health, the total well-being of the community is our focus as well. If we can help prevent suicides, then we are ahead of the curve by not having to do a lot of counseling and outreach to help families, friends, and peers as they deal with all the broken pieces and devastation left behind, which is also a costly process. In doing this, we can help each community become closer knit with a focus of watching out for and helping each other. Each suicide affects 160 other people.
The premise behind the concept of helping each pursue their Life & God-Given Dreams, is the truth that we are all connected to each other. Our dreams being fulfilled depend on others and their dreams depend on us in some form or fashion. No one is an island unto themselves and will eventually crash and burn alone. We see examples of folks helping each other when catastrophes happen. Communities and individuals come together to help rebuild. However, what we are doing is promoting this togetherness on a yearly, monthly, and daily basis in times of normalcy as well. We may hold a key to someone else’s future in our hand, but they in turn may hold one for us, whether personally or through someone they know. If we never talk to them, we might never get the help and friendship we need!
Joseph James